1. 灰姑娘 (Cinderella)
2. 小红帽 (Little Red Riding Hood)
3. 睡美人 (Sleeping Beauty)
4. 白雪公主 (Snow White)
5. 青蛙王子 (The Frog Prince)
6. 美人鱼 (The Little Mermaid)
7. 丑小鸭 (The Ugly Duckling)
8. 十二个哥哥的王子 (The Twelve Dancing Princesses)
9. 银发姑娘 (Rapunzel)
10. 木偶奇遇记 (Pinocchio)
11. 狐狸和乌鸦 (The Fox and the Crow)
12. 三只小猪 (The Three Little Pigs)
13. 猫和老鼠 (The Cat and the Mouse)
14. 真理鸟 (The Truthful Bird)
15. 魔鬼的礼物 (The Devil's Gifts)
16. 糖果屋 (Hansel and Gretel)
17. 金发姑娘和三只熊 (Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
18. 兔子和乌龟 (The Tortoise and the Hare)
19. 拇指姑娘 (Thumbelina)
20. 小偷和他的母亲 (The Thief and His Mother)
21. 恶魔的砖头 (The Devil's Bricks)
22. 坐在银鹿上的王子 (The King on the Silver Deer)
23. 小矮人和红鞋子 (The Elves and the Red Shoes)
24. 云雀与蚂蚁 (The Skylark and the Ants)
25. 狼和七只小山羊 (The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids)
26. 铁公鸡 (The Iron Hans)
27. 仙女 (The Fairy)
28. 懒惰者和勤奋者 (The Lazy One and the Diligent One)
29. 野兽与美女 (Beauty and the Beast)
30. 真金与胡萝卜 (True Gold and the Carrot)
31. 面包师傅和他的猫 (The Baker and His Cat)
32. 高大的天空 (The High, Tall Sky)
33. 公主与小马 (The Princess and the Foal)
34. 金鸟 (The Golden Bird)
35. 火鸟 (The Firebird)
36. 两个兄弟和小鸟 (The Two Brothers and the Little Bird)
37. 熊皮皮袋 (Bearskin)
38. 四个技艺 (The Four Skillful Brothers)
39. 安娜&1安娜贝尔 (Anna Annabel)
1. 白雪公主(Snow White)
2. 睡美人(Sleeping Beauty)
3. 小红帽(Little Red Riding Hood)
4. 灰姑娘(Cinderella)
5. 铁皮公主(Iron Hans)
6. 小人鱼(The Little Mermaid)
7. 汉赛尔与格莱特(Hansel and Gretel)
8. 丑小鸭(The Ugly Duckling)
9. 忠诚约翰(Faithful John)
10. 青蛙王子(The Frog Prince)
11. 长发公主(Rapunzel)
12. 三只小猪(The Three Little Pigs)
13. 玻璃棺杀人案(The Glass Coffin)
14. 金发姑娘与三只熊(Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
15. 猫和老鼠合作伙伴(The Cat and the Mouse as Partners)
16. 针、针线和针线盒(The Needle, the Thread, and the Needle Case)
17. 七只乌鸦(The Seven Ravens)
18. 精灵兄弟(The Elves and the Shoemaker)
19. 亚琛的城门(The Gate of Aix)
20. 懒惰杰克(Lazy Jack)
21. 狼和七只小山羊(The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats)
22. 王子和穿铁鞋的公主(The Prince and the Princess with the Iron Shoes)
23. 豌豆公主(The Princess and the Pea)
24. 忠实的亨德尔(Faithful Hendel)
25. 偷懒的学徒(The Lazy Spinner)
26. 三个和尚的故事(The Story of the Three Monks)
27. 狼和世纪的孩子(The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids)
28. 两兄弟(The Two Brothers)
29. 刺猬的世界旅行(The Hedgehog's World Tour)
30. 恶棍和诚实的约翰(The Rascal and Honest John)
31. 水果园的仙子(The Fairy of the Frutigardens)
32. 小兔汤姆和小兔丽莎(Little Tom Thumb and Little Lisa)
33. 狐狸和猫(The Fox and the Cat)
34. 七只乌鸦的兄弟(The Six Swans)
35. 杰克和豌豆的茎(Jack and the Beanstalk)
36. 红兜帽与灰狼(Little Red Cap and the Wolf)
37. 渔夫和他的妻子(The Fisherman and His Wife)
38. 小铁匠(The Little Blacksmith)
39. 小托托(Little Tootle)
本文标题:格林童话 格林童话故事(精选39篇)
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