
2023-09-06 16:14:48


父亲节,顾名思义是感恩父亲的节日。约始于20世纪初,起源于美国,现已广泛流传于世界各地,节日日期因地域而存在差异。“Father's Day is the day you show your appreciation to your father. This day began in the early twentieth century. It originated in the United States. Nowadays Father's Day has been widely spread around the world. The exact date of Father's Day is different due to the geographical differences.”。
  现在,最广泛的父亲节在每年6月的第三个星期日,据说,世界上有52个国家和地区是在这一天过父亲节。“The most extensive date of Father's Day is the third Sunday of June. It is said that people in 52 countries and regions spend Father's Day on that day.”。节日里有各种庆祝方式,如赠送礼物giving gif@!www76780cnts、家庭聚餐family gatherings and dinners等。
  Father's Day in China
  其实,父亲节并非舶来的节日,中国也有自己的父亲节。“Actually, Father's Day is not an exotic holiday. China has its own Father's day.”。 中国的父亲节起源于1945年8月6日,当时上海《申报》刊文《八八父亲节缘起》称:美国为纪念欧战中阵亡将士的妻与母,曾发起创立母亲节。而今,中国也应该发起创立自己的父亲节。因“父”字形同“八八”,且“八八”读音也与“爸爸”相同。公开署名的首倡者有颜惠庆、袁希濂、陈青士、梅兰芳等10人。
  poems about Father's Day
  说到赞美母亲的诗词可能数都数不清,对于父亲的却很少,但也能从《诗经》中了解一二:父兮生我,母兮鞠我,抚我,畜我,长我,育我,顾我,复我。“There are many poems to praise our mothers. To appreciate our fathers? There's a few. We can get something from the Book of Songs.”。
  朱自清的《背影》是描写父亲的抒情名篇之一。“Zhu Ziqing's writing, Background, is one of the famous lyrical articles of describing father.”。作者文笔秀丽,细腻缜密,它的巨大艺术魅力来自其对父亲的真挚感情。
  songs about Father's Day
  周杰伦的《以父之名》是其第四张专辑的主打歌,也算是一首与父亲有关的歌。“Jay Chow's song, In the Name of the Father, is the title track of his fourth album.”。这首歌曲风十分哥特式,歌曲中承载着mv主角无奈、懊悔、愤怒等情绪,正如《教父》里的情节。“This song is very gothic. The leading role in the music video of this song carries a lot, something like helplessness, regrets and anger. The plot is similar to the movie, The Godfather.”。
  a father who draws well
  相信不少人都通过网络了解过一位会画画的中国爸爸,这位爸爸从2011年1月开始,两年中画了百余张孩子的睡姿速写,十分温馨有爱。“The father from the beginning of January 2011 drew his child sleeping sketches. He drew about 200 sketches in two years. It's very warm and full of love.”。


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