做更好的自己英语作文_Be better yourself. 2篇

2023-04-26 14:42:27

做更好的自己英语作文_Be better yourself. 2篇

关于”做更好的自己“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Be better yourself.。以下是关于做更好的自己的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”做更好的自己“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Be better yourself.。以下是关于做更好的自己的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Be better yourself.

If you can't be a pine on the top of the mountain, be a bush in the valley. If you can't be a tree, the best small Bush is the bush. If you can't be a tree, make a gr, a happier Road on the highway.

If you can't be a musk gr, then be a b. But the most lively perch in the lake can't be the captain. We have to be crew members.

There's something for all of us, There is big work to do and less to do. The task you have to do is to get close. If you can't be a highway, make a path.

If you can't be a star, be a star. Whether you succeed or fail, it's not measured by size.




It's hard for many people to make a decision because they don't know what they want. When they realize what they want, they go with the flow. They feel sorry for the lucky people.

They have a chance to start again. For some people, they just live a life without pion before I went to College. We need to choose a major where most students don't know what to do So they did a survey and thought that the hot and promising major is the first choice for them to study.

Some people will find that they are not interested in it. But if they think twice before they do, they will not give up. Then they will not follow the stream.

I appreciate your special statement. Why do you have to follow the stream. In fact, some people's decision is to cater to others, which is against their will.

If people lose their nature, they will lose their soul.




I was rolls, needed a warm place for the dough to ferment, put the bowl on a radiator, and then when I left home for a business trip, I found a note from my son: "Dear Mom, I hope your bread is better.".



本文标题:做更好的自己英语作文_Be better yourself. 2篇

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